You Can Help Save Koalas

People choose to live in parts of Queensland because we love the natural surrounds and having a balance between human and wildlife habitat. If we wanted a concrete jungle with no wildlife we could move to any number of locations in Australia. It is time to stand up and make a difference. Please help save our Koalas by taking the following action:
- Restrain or confine dogs to prevent koala attacks. Almost any breed is capable of inflicting serious injuries and even death. Almost 80% of koalas attacked by dogs do not survive.
- Remain vigilant driving at night and watch for wildlife on the road
- Plant koala food trees to promote future habitat for koalas.
- Make your garden koala friendly - use climbable fencing or attach poles on either side of the fence. Install a thick rope in your swimming pool to prevent drowning.
- If you see any dead koalas, please contact us. Dead koalas need to be checked for tags or microchips for research. Dead koalas can also be used for pap, which can be used on sick koalas with stomach issues. Check the pouch of females for joeys, and if found, do not remove the joey but wrap the mother's body up to keep it warm until a rescuer arrives.
- Learn the signs of koala sicknesses and injuries and contact us if you see any koalas needing rescuing
- Become a sponsor (either personal or business)
- Ask for a donation tin to be placed at your business
- Get your school or workplace together to hold a uniform free or koala themed day for a gold coin donation